The Canadian Network of Asset Managers is seeking enthusiastic candidates to stand for election to the CNAM Board of Directors. All member categories (except students) are eligible to run for office.
If you or someone you know are committed to playing a leadership role in the community of practice for asset management, possess strong strategic management skills and are passionate about building CNAM as an association, please consider a nomination.
Deadline for nominations is 12:00 PM ET on Friday, April 16, 2021.
There are currently TEN (10) Board of Directors opportunities available:
Three (3) Directors at Large (Public Sector)
Three (3) Non-Public Directors
Regional Directors:
Territories (Yukon, NWT, Nunavut) West (BC, Alberta) Prairie (Saskatchewan, Manitoba) Quebec
We are also seeking a Director who will serve as the Secretary-Treasurer. The CNAM Secretary-Treasurer serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, and is responsible for the oversight of all of CNAM’s financial functions. A reasonable level of financial experience would be preferred for this position.
To be considered as a candidate for the CNAM Board of Directors, the following prerequisites and competencies are required:
CNAM Member in good standing (any member category except student)
Demonstrated leadership in the practice of asset management
Previous board experience, or other related strategic management experience
Ability to commit 8 – 10 hours a month for board and committee meetings as well as board activities
The board meets by conference call every 6 weeks for 2 hours as well as three in-person meetings per year (two at the annual conference and one strategic planning weekend)
Support of your employer (including financial support) to attend the annual conference and the Board’s strategic planning weekend in the Fall of 2021 (virtually)
Written support must be obtained before the voting closes
Be available for post-2021 conference board meeting (Thursday, May 20th at 12:00pm ET)
Individuals may nominate themselves or others by providing a brief biography including:
Your full name
Contact information
Board position applied for (see openings above)
Your interest in the role of Secretary Treasurer (if applicable) or any of CNAM’s Committees
Current professional role/responsibilities (maximum 100 words)
Related experience (maximum 100 words)
Your interest and vision for CNAM (maximum 100 words)
Must be submitted as a MSWORD document and adhere to the word count
PDFs will not be accepted
Photo (optional) in jpeg format – separate from the word document
This is your opportunity to really sell your qualifications and vision for CNAM for review by the membership at large. Nominations will be sent to CNAM members as provided, so please carefully proofread your submission to ensure you put your best foot forward. Please note the word counts outlined above will be strictly adhered to – submissions exceeding the word limits will be cut off at the 100-word maximum.
Submit Your Nomination to:
Canadian Network of Asset Managers
Attention: Nominating Committee
Attention: Nominating Committee
12:00 PM ET on Friday, April 16, 2021.
Email or