Recap: Winnipeg Regional Meet Up

Winnipeg – On March 13th, a regional meetup of asset managers was held at Earl’s at Polo Park, attended by 22 participants.  

This event was co-hosted by CNAM and PEMAC, which coincided with an announcement earlier that week of the signed MOU between the two organizations to offer reciprocal benefits of membership (details to follow).  

Great conversation on various topics, but we couldn’t avoid the pothole conversation!  Hot topics identified were data management, inentory registers, LOS and integrated planning,

Co-hosts for the meetup were Darla Campbell, CNAM Vice Chair, Chris Klos, CNAM Director and Neil Abercrombie representing PEMAC.

Peer to peer connection is part of CNAM’s Strategic Plan.  We build and nurture networks enabling people to share experiences and learn from each other.  Stay tuned for future regional meetups to be announced.

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