New Partnership CSCE and CNAM

The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) have partnered! A Memorandum of Understanding, in recognition of their common interests in promoting and disseminating asset management practices in Canada was signed by John Murray, Chair of CNAM and Jim Gilliland, President of CSCE on June 30, 2016.
CNAM is a not for profit association of infrastructure asset management organizations in Canada. Its members are government and private sector experts in the field.
The CSCE is a learned society created to develop and maintain high standards of civil engineering practice in Canada and to enhance the public image of the civil engineering profession.
CSCE and CNAM recognize that asset management is a key element in the design, construction and maintenance of Canadian municipal infrastructure and a long term contributor to the sustainability of these essential systems.
As a result of the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, and based on their shared commitment to asset management in Canada, CNAM and CSCE have committed to the following supportive joint initiatives for 2016-17:
  • Sharing material for each other’s publications;
  • Linking to each other’s websites;
  • Participating at each other’s conferences;
  • Working on the development of Canadian asset management guidelines, frameworks and training materials
  • Developing asset management education programs at an undergraduate or post-graduate level in Canadian civil engineering departments, and
  • Developing a Canadian infrastructure sustainability rating system.
For more information on this MOU or on either organization please contact:
CNAM: Melissa Osborne, Vice Chair, CNAM  at 
CSCE: Doug Salloum, Executive Director at
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