CNAM’s latest news and updates:

Call for Nominations – CNAM 2025-26 Board of Directors
The Canadian Network of Asset Managers is seeking enthusiastic candidates to stand for election to the CNAM Board of Directors. All member categories (except students) are eligible to run for office. If you or someone you know are committed to playing a leadership role in the community of practice for

2025-2026 CNAM Vice Chair Election
The Canadian Network of Asset Managers will establish its elected Board of Directors at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the CNAM 2025 National Conference – Laval Up! (Early bird registration is open now!) The CNAM membership will elect the incoming Vice-Chair to serve for the upcoming year starting May 2025. This is

Statistics Canada is now offering our Executive Bootcamp on Disaggregated Data for provinces, territories, and municipalities
Thanks to a reciprocal partnership between Statistics Canada and CNAM, CNAM is pleased to share some of the latest news from Statistics Canada with our community. Keep reading below. Statistics Canada is now offering our Executive Bootcamp on Disaggregated Data for provinces, territories, and municipalities. Are you a Director

Highlights from the 2nd Annual Fall Virtual Summit
What happens when close to 200 participants come together for the 2nd Annual CNAM Fall Virtual Summit to talk about the hot topics, emerging trends and priorities to shape asset management in Canada? On October 9th and 10th, 2024, participants in the Summit were introduced to key challenges and opportunities

Thanks to a reciprocal partnership between CERIU and CNAM, CNAM is pleased to share some of the latest news from CERIU with our community. Keep reading below. Le 5 novembre 2024 4 NOUVELLES DU CERIU : Sondage de l’Observatoire du CERIU sur les enjeux liés à la densification urbaine à l’échelle

Thanks to a reciprocal partnership between CERIU and CNAM, CNAM is pleased to share some of the latest news from CERIU with our community. Keep reading below. Le 2 octobre 2024 NOUVELLE DU CERIU : Nouveau pôle d’expertise au CERIU : Action climatique New area of expertise at CERIU: Climate action Les

CNAM Announces the Resignation of Executive Director Doug Cutts
Executive-Director-Announcement-Media-Release-September-30-2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 30, 2024 CNAM Announces the Resignation of Executive Director Doug Cutts [Calgary, Alberta] – The Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM), a leader in the advancement of infrastructure asset management across Canada, today announces the resignation of Doug Cutts, who has served as Executive Director

Recap: PEMAC MainTrain2024 Highlights
For three jam packed days, from September 23 to 25, maintenance managers and asset managers gathered in Saint John, New Brunswick to connect, learn and contribute at MainTrain2024. The event opened with a Keynote: Climate Change and How to Maintain our Biggest Asset by Carl Duivenvoorden who made the case

Renewed Partnership Between IPWEA, NAMS Canada and CNAM
The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA), NAMS Canada and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) have renewed their Partnership Agreement, which aims to identify ways to better serve our respective organizations, members and communities through collaboration and exchange of information, education, training, technology and management practices. Asset