Elections for our 2023-2024 Vice-Chair

The Canadian Network of Asset Managers will establish its elected Board of Directors at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the CNAM 2023 National Conference – Crafting Resilient Communities (Early bird registration is open now!)

The CNAM membership will elect the incoming Vice-Chair to serve for the upcoming year starting May 2023.

This is an opportunity for CNAM members to identify the best candidate to serve our membership and the industry. This important role leads the CNAM Board, manages its ongoing operations and initiatives, and works with its partners across the industry to improve public infrastructure asset management practices.

We are pleased to share that we have two, highly qualified, candidates for the 2023-2024 CNAM Vice Chair: Darla Campbell & Shekar Sharma

The elected Vice-Chair will serve for a three-year rotating term:

  • Vice-Chair: 2023-2024
  • Chair: 2024-2025
  • Past-Chair: 2025-2026

This role is critical to the sustainment and evolution of CNAM and the public infrastructure asset management landscape.

The election will take place prior to CNAM’s AGM early May, meaning that candidates are welcome to run in other Board positions following the Vice-Chair election.

  • February 1 – March 1: Nominations Period
  • March 2-9: Vetting by Nominations Committee to ensure candidates meet the Vice-Chair candidacy requirements
  • March 10-17: Vice-Chair Candidates and Submissions shared with the membership
  • March 20 – April 3: Online Voting Open
  • April 4: Announcement of Vice-Chair-Elect
  • May 1-4: CNAM Conference & AGM (Remainder of Board Member Elections)

Submission Process
Prospective candidates are asked to submit the following:

  • A statement of intent for the Vice-Chair role (~500 words) – describe your vision, desired outcomes, and proposed strategies for advancing and evolving CNAM’s mandate
  • Biography (~100 words) and photograph
  • All candidates are encouraged to submit a video (~60-90 sec) outlining their vision and motivation for the role

Feel free to campaign through your own networks and raise awareness for those who may have missed notification about the election.


To be considered as a candidate for the Vice-Chair role of the CNAM Board of Directors, the following prerequisites and competencies are required:

  • CNAM Member in good standing (any member category except student)
  • Demonstrated leadership in the practice of asset management
  • Previous board experience, or other related strategic management experience
  • Demonstrated CNAM Board exposure, experience and/or knowledge
  • Ability to commit the time required over and above typical Board member hours (which are 8-10 hours a month) for Executive meetings, outreach with internal and external stakeholders, and addressing operational needs with CNAM’s Executive Director
  • The Board meets by conference call every month for 2 hours as well as three in-person meetings per year (two at the annual conference and one two-day strategic planning session); Executive Committee meets by conferences call every month for 1.5 hours
  • Support of your employer (including financial support) to attend the annual conference and the Board’s annual two-day strategic planning session late Fall
  • Written support must be obtained before the voting closes
  • Be available for the post-2023 conference board meeting May 4, 2023

Ideal Candidate:
The ideal candidate will:

  • Have previous exposure and involvement with the CNAM Board and Committees, special programs and initiatives, and regular operations
  • Bring experience in successive leadership positions with demonstrated ability to facilitate decision-making in a Board and Executive setting
  • Bring experience with Not-For-profit Board leadership or management
  • Demonstrate a long-term commitment to sustaining and building the asset management community in Canada and beyond
  • Be agnostic of regional, sector, and other differences and work in the best interest of all public infrastructure asset managers across Canada
  • Confirm a 3-year commitment in the successive Vice-Chair, Chair and Past-Chair positions

If you have questions about the election process or the Vice-Chair role, please reach out!

Email admin@cnam.ca.