Webinar: 2016 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card Feb 10th

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Webinar – Wednesday, February 10, 2016 from 11 am to 12 pm (EST)

Presenter:   Alain Gonthier
Moderator:   John Murray 

The 2016 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card was released on January 18, 2016.  The report card was developed to present the state of municipal infrastructure and the state of asset management in Canada.  It provides a national perspective on the physical condition of municipal roads, bridges, potable water, wastewater and storm water systems, municipal buildings, sport and recreation facilities and public transit.

The report card shows a clear national trend – the rate of renewal of essential community infrastructure across the country needs to be increased to maintain the quality of service and save money in the long run. The survey of municipalities across the country also found more than a third of municipal infrastructure was assessed as in fair, poor or very poor condition representing a call for action.

The report is helping to shape the political discussion related to the need for all levels of government to invest in existing infrastructure.

Alain Gonthier, Past-Chair of CNAM, was instrumental in the development of the report card in his role as Chair of the Canadian Infrastructure Report Card Advisory Board.  During the webinar, Alain will be providing his insight into the development of the report card and its key findings.


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