CNAM’s latest news and updates:

Renewed Partnership Between IPWEA, NAMS Canada and CNAM
The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA), NAMS Canada and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) have renewed their Partnership Agreement, which aims to identify ways to better serve our respective organizations, members and communities through collaboration and exchange of information, education, training, technology and management practices. Asset

Recap: Winnipeg Regional Meet Up
Winnipeg – On March 13th, a regional meetup of asset managers was held at Earl’s at Polo Park, attended by 22 participants. This event was co-hosted by CNAM and PEMAC, which coincided with an announcement earlier that week of the signed MOU between the two organizations to offer reciprocal benefits

Long-term Capital Planning, Developing Levels of Service Highlights from Knowledge Pod – January 17, 2024
The CNAM Knowledge Pod on January 17th focussed on the connected topics of Long-term Capital Planning, and Developing Levels of Service Two speakers kicked-off the discussions before moving into breakouts for group sharing: Mike Benson, University of New Brunswick – McNamara’s Fallacy and Integrated Financial Planning Darren Joseph, Sunshine Coast
CNAM Is Embracing Public Infrastructure
Over the past few months we have been looking at how we reach out and include the public infrastructure sector beyond municipalities. This topic was brought forward from the Membership Committee, discussed at the Board Strategy Session on March 1st and revised by the Organizational Sustainability Taskforce (OST) on March 8th.
CNAM & PEMAC Announce Memorandum of Understanding
MISSISSAUGA, (March 11, 2024) – PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada (PEMAC) and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers Association (CNAM) proudly announce the organizations have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), establishing a strategic partnership which promotes mutual benefits, provides reciprocal support, and the exchange of ideas, information,
2024-2025 CNAM Vice Chair Election
The Canadian Network of Asset Managers will establish its elected Board of Directors at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the CNAM 2024 National Conference – Champions for Sustainable Communities (Early bird registration is open now!) The CNAM membership will elect the incoming Vice-Chair to serve for the upcoming year starting May 2024.
2023 CNAM Award Winners
On Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 Asset Management professionals from across Canada came together at the annual CNAM conference at the Fredericton Convention Centre, Fredericton, NB to celebrate excellence in Asset Management. The Student Symposium Awards, the Tereos, the Visionary and Volunteer Awards were presented. TEREO Awards 1st Place – Lake
CNAM Announces 2023-2025 Pre-Qualified Sub-Contractors for Services Roster
The Canadian Network of Asset Managers Association (CNAM) is the established national voice of public infrastructure asset management in Canada. CNAM is a national hub through which industry professionals exchange information on the latest developments in infrastructure asset management in Canada. Information sharing is critical to optimizing the benefits of