CNAM’s latest news and updates:
Opportunity for Input: Methodology for Completing Natural Asset Inventories (New Standard)
Dear CNAM Colleagues, The new standard for the methodology for completing natural asset inventories has been uploaded in draft form to the CSA Group Public Review site. The public review is now open and comments will be accepted until 10/19/2022. This is an opportunity to provide input on these standards and an opportunity
Request for Pre-Qualification of Service Providers
The Canadian Network of Asset Managers Association (CNAM) is the established national voice of public infrastructure asset management in Canada. CNAM is the association for public infrastructure asset management in Canada. Our government and private sector members develop policies, tools and technologies which improve the levels of service delivery through
CNAM selected to help municipalities in Canada make stronger infrastructure decisions
March 21, 2022 – The Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) is proud to announce it has been selected by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to work with municipalities in their efforts to improve infrastructure spending decisions through stronger asset management. In February, CNAM was selected as a partner
Call for Nominations: Board of Directors
The Canadian Network of Asset Managers is seeking enthusiastic candidates to stand for election to the CNAM Board of Directors. All member categories (except students) are eligible to run for office. If you or someone you know are committed to playing a leadership role in the community of practice for
CNAM 2021 Virtual Conference
Please join us for the 15th annual Canadian Network of Asset Manager’s (CNAM) Virtual Conference being held online between May 10-13, 2021. The past year has been challenging in many regards with the onset of COVID-19 and a world pandemic. Many municipalities across the country, and the world over, are
CNAM Office Holiday Hours
The CNAM National Office will close on Monday, December 21, 2020 and will re-open on Monday, January 4, 2021. Please contact Executive Director Doug Cutts at for any inquiries during that time. Happy Holidays!
CNAM 2020 Board of Directors Election
Notice of Election The Canadian Network of Asset Managers will establish its elected Board of Directors at our Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 11:00 am ET. Login details will be provided to all members before the meeting. As a CNAM member, you have the
Announcing CNAM’s First Virtual Conference
CNAM is pleased to announce it will host its first-ever Virtual Conference from May 12-14, 2020! Watch a special message from CNAM Chair Valerie Williams announcing the Virtual Conference and providing encouraging words during these challenging times. We are developing a program that will mirror the original conference with a few twists.
CNAM Selected as a Partner Organization by FCM to Deliver Asset Management Training
The Canadian Network of Asset Managers has been selected to work with municipalities to help them gain asset management knowledge across Canada. We are pleased to announce that we’ve been selected to work with municipalities in their efforts to improve infrastructure decisions through stronger asset management practices. CNAM is one